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Mark your calendar &
make reservations for our
2023 holiday p

Holiday Party Updates
Here’s a reminder to mail a check, call with your credit card info, or use PayPal to sign up for the 2023 Holiday party on Saturday December 9th! Please sign up by December 1st.

Contact the treasurer at:
2521 Moon Mountain Dr. 
Eugene, OR 97403
541 345-1694.

The party will begin at noon with a social hour and lunch starting at 1 pm followed by the club meeting. The event will be over by 3 pm. 


John Carter is organizing a Healey-related parts and merchandise exchange. Bring one or more Healey-related items to be displayed at the party. Guests will be selected at random to make their choice of the gifts from the display.  If you’d like to spend Friday night at The Grand Hotel be sure to ask for the Healey club rate.
The hotel number is 503 540-7800.
Gale & Alice Nelson



Our annual Holiday Party is set for Saturday, December 9, from 12-2 p.m. at the Salem Convention Center/The Grand Hotel, 200 Commercial St. SE. 


As in the past, the luncheon will be held in the Croisan Room on the second floor of the Salem Convention Center. This year’s member payment is $20/person and includes a ticket for the adult beverage of your choice.


If you choose to stay overnight at The Grand Hotel on Friday night a special rate of $149 + tax is available for members, which includes breakfast and overnight parking. To make a hotel reservation, call 503 540-7800 and be sure to ask for the Oregon Healey Club rate. Some of us will gather Friday evening for cocktails at Happy Hour, 4-6 p.m. in Bentley’s Grill in The Grand Hotel. Feel free to join us; then, everyone is on their own for dinner.


Please make an advance reservation to attend the party.

There are three ways you can sign up:

  • Check. Mail your check made to AHCO to the treasurer at the address below.

  • Credit Card. Call the treasurer with your card info at the number below.

  • PayPal. Make a payment to


AHCO Treasurer
2521 Moon Mountain Dr.
Eugene, OR 97403
541 345-1694


More details will follow. Information about the hotel and bar/restaurant is available at the links below:


Hope to see you there!



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